
Hello everyone. It has been a little while since I updated, I have been struggling with some mental health issues. Everything is slowly getting back on track, I am working on the next update however I am slowly bringing myself back into everything. Bear with me, I am hoping to get an update by the end of the month. Happy reading my loves.


Hello everyone. It has been a little while since I updated, I have been struggling with some mental health issues. Everything is slowly getting back on track, I am working on the next update however I am slowly bringing myself back into everything. Bear with me, I am hoping to get an update by the end of the month. Happy reading my loves.


Just posted the first Chapter of The Unexpected. I am super excited for this book and what is to come, I was supposed to post yesterday but I worked a double and crashed when I got home. Hope everyone enjoys, please let me know what you think. 
          Happy reading my loves.


Can you believe the chapter for Monday is already done!! I always take the week of Christmas off and take a break from electronics to just enjoy family and my time off, however I will try and take some time to write and possibly finish "Lacey" because sadly we are nearing the end of the book. Just wanted to give everyone that heads up so no one expects an update.
          Happy ready my loves.


Sorry for going two weeks between updates, following my family wedding I went to I double shifted and worked like crazy followed by a killer cold that I am still kicking in the butt. I updated earlier and am working on chapter nine already. Happy reading everyone!!