@IloveMEandMYSELF2 No you don't say about you live Germany...OH This is great! So study your lessons well and focus on them!
I have a physics exam on Sunday...
I was just worried about you and told myself to ask how you are because you said earlier that you were sad of your friends...
@thvmatina just soooo busy because of school. You know I live in germany and I go to a gymnasium. So I study as much as I can. And today I have a physics exam.
How are you Sidra...?
I can not see your PV! Wattpad closed it!
I wasn't there this long...! I have a university entrance exam.
There are about 11 exams left
are you better???
@IloveMEandMYSELF2 your name is Beautiful..
Yes , it's true! I don't have a few friend around who are from April..
I'm sorry I see your message late
I had lesson...