The Shooting Star
Looking down at a world that I'v never seen, the giant sphere was covered with deep blue oceans and lands of different shades of green and other lands of sandy tan. This is the only world I'v ever seen. "It looks so beautiful and peaceful. I want to go there." I thought. "Why do I feel like I'm burning" I ask my self as the beautiful sphere appears to grow larger.
Soon enough I could see mountains. The tops of them look white, and the further I look down the mountains, it appeared to look grayer, and finally met up with the green part of land. "The burning feeling hasn't gone away, but it doesn't hurt." Talking to myself with a soft voice, "Well, I'll go to sleep, that might help."
Opening my eyes feeling well rested, my eyes still blurry. I look over at a figure that looks like me. There are three of them, one of them seem shorter then the other two though. One of the taller figures says in a loud whisper, "Bruce look!"
"Hey, your alive!" Bruce shouts with excitement, "We were beginning to think you were dead."
"Um, Hi. Where am I?" I look around the room curiously. I'm laying on something that is slightly bouncy, and something soft is covering my body.
"You're at our house laying in my son's bed, and this is my wife Bella and my son Rikton. Do you remember what happened?"