'Why do people trust doctors so much when they can't even do their jobs properly...'

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Hello! I'm The Patient! My real name is Hannah Tompson though.

Gender: Female

Fave Colour: Orange and turquoise

Fave food: CHEESE!

Crush: Crush? Ha! Never heard of it!

Fave song: Mad Hatter

Fave animal: Monkey

~My big sis
~Torture, execution, ect.

~Most guys
~Medical staff...

Fave quotes:
~Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe

~Damaged people are the most dangerous, as they know how to survive

~Many things have a cure, stupid isn't one them

~I may look calm, but in my head I have killed you 10 times in 7 ways in 5 minutes

~The Irish philosophy:
In life, there are 2 things to worry about, either you are well or sick
if you are well,
there is nothing to worry about.
if you are sick,
there are 2 things to worry about. Either you will get well, or you will die.
if you get well,
there is nothing to worry about.
if you die,
there are 2 things to worry about. Either you will go to heaven or hell.
if you go to heaven,
there is nothing to worry about.
but if you go to hell,
you will be so damn busy shaking hands with your friends you have time to worry!
So why worry?

Other stuff:
>I have chronic tic disorder
>I can't do loads of exercise as if I do I will have difficulty breathing properly afterwards
>I don't laugh, I wheeze due to my lung
>Red Leicester cheese is life. All hail cheese

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  • The Hospital...
  • IscrittoMarch 5, 2020

Ultimo messaggio
SickCheeseLover27 SickCheeseLover27 May 11, 2020 10:26PM
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Storie di The Patient
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My shitty ass drawing book di SickCheeseLover27
My shitty ass drawing book
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