
I have officially hit 16! My friends are telling me I'm unc status but I'm still in highschool Anyways now I don't have to lie about my age on games, yay. I hope everyone is having a great day just as I am so see ya tomorrow!


I have officially hit 16! My friends are telling me I'm unc status but I'm still in highschool Anyways now I don't have to lie about my age on games, yay. I hope everyone is having a great day just as I am so see ya tomorrow!


Quick Heads-up!
          I am going to write another story but only the character description so far. It is going to be an OC and it will include Ayanokoji. I have a fixed schedule now so expect a chapter every 2 or 3 days.
          Also I am NOT discontinuing the KiyoXHiyori fanfic.
          And please continue reading, thankyou!