
Heyy everyone. I'm sorry to do this but I'm really swamped with school and as a casualty I often forget to update anything on here so I decided as a whole to just get rid of Wattpad because it makes me feel guilty/stressed. I will still post and write on my Tumblr so you can stay up to date there. My writings on here will be up until the end of February and starting March 1st they'll only be on my Tumblr signofthebarnes. Do with that what you will and I hope this decision doesn't utterly devastate anyone <3 


Heyy everyone. I'm sorry to do this but I'm really swamped with school and as a casualty I often forget to update anything on here so I decided as a whole to just get rid of Wattpad because it makes me feel guilty/stressed. I will still post and write on my Tumblr so you can stay up to date there. My writings on here will be up until the end of February and starting March 1st they'll only be on my Tumblr signofthebarnes. Do with that what you will and I hope this decision doesn't utterly devastate anyone <3 


Hi, I just wanted to tell you that I totally love Sweet as honey. It is so cute, literally I read all the chapters in a day, I just couldn't stop . I can't wait to read more.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thank you so much! You're support means the world to me. I promise I'm working on getting the next chapter up asap :)) 


this message may be offensive
Hey, in was wondering if you would make an imagine for me? I was thinking that Y/N and Stiles are really good friends she happens to be a werewolf. it's raining and something is in the woods While they walk, and she shows her eyes and fangs (does a creepy as shit roar) and Stiles kisses her... it's all cute and shit. 


 Of course! I'll try to have it up within a week. 