
Silas, don't you agree if someone from religious abusing his/her authorities and using name of religion for punish the heretics although those people are innocent but not proven to be guilty for eyes of religion?


@AmbarAnak Me, right now, with use of all of my faculties, would not want to be in the position of losing both of my arms. I don't know if I would want to live in that situation comparatively. But, I believe, over time, I would find reasons to be grateful to be alive, since that's the only time you can; when you're still alive. You can always give up at any time, but it's more valuable to continue living. If I were to work towards tomorrow and only tomorrow, then it's less daunting of a task than visualizing myself living the rest of my life in any one condition. Once I reach tomorrow, I do the same thing over again. "Let's hang on until tomorrow at least."
            Wash, rinse, repeat. And, maybe, it'll all work out even better in the end.
            That's my opinion, anyways.


@AmbarAnak I'm still not sure I understand fully, but if your friend is worrying about the people who quote their religious beliefs, but don't have any meaningful advice for someone suffering from the doubt of whether or not he made the right choice, then it's not so much a  question of good or evil, so much as sheep refusing to acknowledge that they have been blinded by their faith and don't know how to actually apply the lessons they should be learning from their religion.
            In that case, I understand. Most people are useless in any situation that deviates from normal. Religious people simply tend to believe that they have the answers by quoting some line from a book they've probably never read themselves, but actually don't allow themselves to connect to the person they're talking to, thus negating the usefulness of any advice.
            For your friend, that's rough. Is it your friend who lost use of his arms, or the kid he saved? If it's your friend, it's a noble sacrifice, but it would definitely be a difficult situation to be in afterwards. There's no one to blame, though as we see in the real world, heroes often get screwed in the end.
            If it's the kid that lost his arms, it becomes a question of whether your friend made the right decision or not, yes? It can be difficult, but I would still argue that he made the right decision just based on saving the kid or not, not knowing anything else about the situation. If you're calling him a kid, he's too young to say 'eh, lived long enough', and life is worth living, even if it's challenging at times. It's the challenges that make the rewards later all the more valuable.
            As for religious people being all high and mighty about everything, generally, that's the case, and that's why I try not to associate with anyone who feels the need to try to interject their religion into every topic. Less so if they can only parrot phrases, but not articulate or defend their actual beliefs in debate.


@SilasKriegsende Actually i got this question from my friend of mine whom due to traffic accident after saving the kid but cost him his both arms got broken so he had to be hospitalized for few months or so and he questioned of people in religious might abusing their authority and using name of religion which my friend very hate it at first place.


Silas, do you had time to talk, i kinda bored waiting other author who either busy IRL, sick or family business to update their chapters or make new story.


@SilasKriegsende Oh yeah there one fanfic Red Alert series with anime though if i was recall that name of the fanfic is "Red Alert in Anime" from Sokdavid.


@AmbarAnak Hahaha thanks. I have plenty of ideas. What I lack is time to write them all xD


@SilasKriegsende You can find that story related what i said earlier.


Finally all caught up on TAWWNM, great story, keep it up! I’m glad to hear there’s already plenty more written, and hope you see it through to the end!


@NotHereEverMore Thank you very much for saying so! I'm jokingly aiming for 1,000 chapters, so if I say it enough times, maybe it'll come true xD


Silas, if you were position of someone that had very well verse with politics, education, medical, technology and had very strong military background because merit and hardwork you bulit so far enough and that suddenly you being summoned as saintess but in reality you wasn't fit became saintess due to you aware the words "No hero or saint/saintess is innocent" which is true interpretation for role of saintess, what you gonna do when in that situation?


If you're going for a lighter story, of course, it's better to focus less on emotions like guilt and more on the wonders of adventure, but you can always have that guilt lingering in her heart, even as she tries to forget her past in the new world. After all, almost everyone can relate to escapism in some way or another.


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In fact, that would be a good backstory AND brief enough scene for a flashback; she has a purple heart because she hesitated to kill an enemy who was feigning surrender and stabbed her in the back, especially effective if it was a woman or child (though, an adult man would be safer). She manages to kill him with her sidearm, but being her first kill, and someone younger than her, it messes her up. She carries the weight of both her foolish hesitation and turning her back on a potential enemy, and then she still killed him. This is heavy, believable, and fits the requirements of not even she believing that she can be called a saint. Also, this can weigh even more heavily if someone else close to her got killed by the enemy she failed to kill or bind, making her guilt even worse.
            Then, when cornered by corrupt or malicious parties in the new world, she finally kills. This scene can be even more effective if, not only for herself, but she kills someone to save another person's life, helping her atone a little for her failure in the past.


Anyways, those are my recommendations. Apologies if it seems preachy. I would focus more on the story ahead of your saintess, rather than her backstory. Backstory is good for the characters she meets along the way, or is simple enough to summarize and make MC relatable while also explaining how MC gets through his/her decision making process.
            So, the real story would be how she avoids the fact that she has killed someone, or even just wounded someone in combat, or if the summoners are corrupt, how she escapes their clutches and what she does afterwards. Avoid deus ex machinas as much as possible, where someone or something comes out of nowhere to rescue her from the situation. You can have her meet a character like a knight who helps, but set up their relationship and a believable way for the knight to be able to help. Then, treat the organization/summoners like the grim reaper or the monkeys in those speedrunning games where you die if you lose time to traps and such because of bad jumps. What I mean by that is, believably have them closing in on heroine, even when she's certain she's gaining distance or spending too much time with an adventuring party. Then, you could even have one or all members of that party sell her out. Maybe they think they're just selling her for a little extra cash, but she ends up in the hands of the organization, or royals who want to "breed" her powers into their bloodline, or doctos that want to exploit her, or someone who thinks he can gain immortality. She's not truly a saint, though, so maybe she overcomes her past trauma and kills to escape.


Silas, you ever wonder why Rikuto feeling his downfall may come to him?


@AmbarAnak Rikuto will eventually have experience to fall back on xD


@SilasKriegsende Probably his experience in military for decades was pays off while Rikuto tried his best became a better king but he wasn't fit to became king due to his naivety nature.


@AmbarAnak Yes, Daniel's combined life experience of the Navy, as well as a maintenance tech for private companies after that have tempered his youthful emotionalism, where Rikuto is pretty fresh out of high school, which anyone with a brain knows doesn't matter immediately after high school. It just takes a while to realize that xD


Silas, ever played Command & Conquer in computer?


@AmbarAnak I have not played it. I barely play anything anymore, sadly lol. When I do, it's usually Monster Hunter, Mass Effect, Witcher 3, or most recently, I played Space Hulk: Deathwing. But, as I said, I barely ever play anything anymore. Not enough time in the day for everything xD


Because my friend of mine plays that not too recently but more likely very quite while to play that game.


Yo Silas, it been a while.


@AmbarAnak Rikuto wouldn't necessarily know anything about Brosjak, and it'll take time for him to learn about the destruction of the Orbicharium, plus, he doesn't have an abundance of troops to try to lead an invasion where the Empire has failed.
            That said, there's plenty coming down the pipeline! ;D


@SilasKriegsende That leaves them unable to find their adversary weakness, rendered it useless.


@SilasKriegsende I wonder Rikuto and others react of Brosjak's death and surely it enough made a good news for them but bad news for Demon Army that loss of their intelligence capabilities for knowing their enemies.