Hey I was wondering if you're ever going to finish Abused and unloved by any chance. It was one of the first books I've read on here, and want to see how it ends. I still think it's an amazing story!
Hi there! First and foremost, I want to thank you for sticking with Abused & Unloved throughout this whole time. (: I know many people get frustrated because i never update and I apologize for that! But to answer your question, I honestly do not know when I'll update the story again. I do plan on finishing it but when? That's the question. I'm sorry if this isn't what you wanna hear! But I do plan on finishing this book, I do! It just may take awhile. ☹️
Please, please, please update Abused and Unloved. I really like the plot so far and I want to know what will happen next. Please update very soon, sorry for the pressure :).
@LilyMaire1017 So, so, so sorry for the delay. D: I'm horrible when it comes to setting my priories right, but a flashback scene should be up soon. As for your other question, Sage, Alex, & Sarah will have upcoming scenes together soon! Hehe.