@blueytuey123 okay
Silentflash: Silvery blue tabby she cat with a white underbelly. one green eye and one blue.(Personality: Funny, Nice, REALLY good with kits. Mate: Sunpatch. Kits: You decide. i havent come up with them)
Nightstorm: Black she cat with white paws, white tipped ears, and a white tipped tail. Bright blue eyes. (Personality: Serious, but is really kind and loyal. Mate: Firetail. Kits: You decide!)
Sunpatch: Orange tabby tom with a whits underbelly and white legs. A chunk of his ear is torn off. Hazel eyes. (Personality: Funny, sweet, and clueless. Mate: Silentflash.)
Firetail: flame colored tom with a red tipped tail. green eyes. (Personality: Clever, Sweet, and Nice)