Okay I think I need to address something so everyone is on the same page. I did ask people to tell me what book I should read and give feedback on. That is still happening it just won’t be consistent or immediate. What I mean is please do not expect an immediate response to your books. This month, as I stated before in another post, I am super busy with work, my birthday and my boyfriends birthday, getting my ears done, getting my boyfriends blanket done, and maybe the writing contest and anything else that happens. So I unfortunately won’t be able to read books all that much. Another thing please do not ask me when I can get to your book or if I can look at it first…etc. I’m reading books in the order they came to me. Just easier for me to do it that way. Ultimately please do not try and ask me or demand or tell me what to do. If people are going to get impatient or try and boss me around I’m going to remove your book from my list and I won’t review it. Please respect that I have a life outside of this app, as I am an adult, and I cannot be on 24/7. If people are going to disrespect this then I’m going to remove my promise to review books. This is something I’M CHOOSING to do on MY FREE TIME. So please respect this, and myself, and if people aren’t I’m just not going to read books. Books are people’s CHOICE to read. Not something that should be forced upon. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. ~Rissi

@theARTISTICescapism Thank you. And thank you me and my boyfriend Weil have wonderful birthdays. And yes work is going well for me thank you again.

@SilentNatureWriter I work at a bakery so I go break bathroom and look at my phone then

@Olivia_Benedetti I don’t know how you do it. I work a cafe/restaurant job and I literally can’t look at my phone until my break or we’re closed.