@tessa-x Hey, When I think of Italy, the first thing that comes to my mind is its architecture. I have never been to Italy so I don't know much about it but if I ever think of it, it will be beautiful heritage buildings frozen in time and of course the Grand Canal. Those pretty bridges over the canals... And lots of greenery! (in the outskirts of the city, near the country side). Then of course food! Nice wine and delicious food. Friendly people, a town rich in culture and heritage, full of tourists throughout the year. Young lovers and people in search of love. Then houses.. Small cramped-up houses (still warm and cozy), small cramped-up lanes, lots of colours, beautiful people, lots of artists struggling to make a career, old paintings, small cozy cafes! Several writers and dreamers! And lots of love!!! Maybe if you plan on writing about Italy and since you already live there, you can write about how you feel about the way Italy is portrayed throughout the world and in reality how it really is. You can give a good insight about it..

@SilentReader93 Hi there! Firstly, WOW! Thank you SO much for writing such a long and thoughtful answer to my message. It means a lot to me, and I'm sure it'll mean a lot to @Cimpix17 too. It sounds like you've got a real image of Italy in your mind, so you'll probably enjoy reading her blog a lot. I'll be sure to advertise the link once it's up. Thank you again for the wonderful response! Tessa xx