
After far too long, i finally posted the next chapter to Let it Out. ENJOY GUYS! And holy smokes, I've been pretty innactive but readers havent! thanks for all the amazing comments and for getting Let it Out to nearly 10k reads!!! 


Hey, guys! So some of you may have noticed that I have been completely inactive basically since my last 'message to followers', normally I at least reply to comments or read or whatever, even if I'm not writing, but I completely stayed away from Wattpad. I've been going through some stuff that made Wattpad and writing in general my last thought, but yesterday I suddenly felt an urge to write! So hopefully I can get another few chapters out to make up for my absence.
          I'm just about to go through and reply to everyone's lovely comments! Thanks for all the support everyone!!
          -SSFH <3


Hey, Beautiful People! So for any of you that are following Let it Out would have noticed that I haven't updated in.. well.. a while.. And I'd just like to apologies, even though I'm just about convinced no one is reading or really cares that much, but in case there is someone out there that was curious. I'm really sorry, and I promise that I've wanted to write, but I actually just can't.
          I don't know what's wrong with me. Everything was finally about to turn around, things were getting better! And then suddenly... They just got worse. And I'm sorry that it's affected my writing, but with the way things are going, it looks like it may affect it for a while, I just can't, my mind won't let me and it makes me want to cry thinking about it! The fact that my one of my few escapes from this world has been destroyed by reality.
          So I hope you lovely people understand, again, I'm sorry
          - SSFH


In case you beautiful people didn't notice, I updated Let it Out today and I'd really appreciate it if you guys gave it a read, especially this chapter because I asked for some of your opinions and I'd really love to here them! So please go and check it out and comment what you guys think!! <3
          - SSFH xox