
i love my girl, she my everything


Koal notice meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


@The_Fallen_Angel7700 koal we must talk more like old times


@The_Fallen_Angel7700 ok ok i known your there


I fell in love with a pretty boy. I hope I'm a great girlfriend to him. He makes me the happiest person in the whole wide world. He lifts my heart up to the clouds. He keeps me from falling off the edge when I feel like plummeting down. I feel better when I'm with him. The world disappears and it's just us. Nothing else matters. No problems, no pain, no depression, just love. I feel safe and protected in his strong arms. 


@darkangeliccreature  i love you too my sweet beautiful love, i make sure you will never fall i make sure you stay in my arms in the sky


Today there a girl who taken my heart and keeping it safe from people, and i have her heart, I'm her heart's armor, shield, and sword, to protect her with my life and i will make this last forever in death and beyond that, I'm hers and she mind, 'm her Knight in a leather jacket riding on a Harley,i'm her Prince of Darkness and her Angel of Death. I will never let her go, and i will fight and defend our love from anyone who seek to destroy it and i will destroy them so that they will never hurt our love for each other, i'm the most happiest man alive and glad to be proud of it because, im with the most beautiful women i met in my whole life, I love you princess. <3<3<3<3<3