Whoa..XD Haha..then, HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!..Let's have a 'Before party-party-birthday party'!...and then a 'birthday party', then 'after party', then 'after the after after birthday before before [arty party'....Wait...*sweatdrop*...I...did....Uh....I'm .lost...XD
And, yes, Alchemy IS REAL!..:3 XDD I drew all around my school/neighborhood/house with those circles..XDDD
And...err....*nods slowly-to the 'Edward comment'...* I did..But..wanna know what else is real? Auto-Mail. As in, the metal-Edward-kind of Auto-Mail. I have that...XD My left leg got run over by a car, and my right arm got stuck in a rock while training.
Yes, you heard me right, STUCK IN A ROCK. I punched one, by accident, it got stuck, out of shock, I backed up. Since it was heavier than me, I couldn't stop myself from falling into the street, thus, came a car. My leg got crushed during the car thing, and then, I lost BOTH of them at the same time in th hospital. They couldn't fix my leg because of the damage, and, couldn't get the rock removed, so, yeah...
Now I have a metal arm and leg..XD
Ironically enough, my hair changed back to blonde again...though...it's more like Edward's...I also got the eyes too...XD (don't smack me)
I know why my hair and bloo changes. My dad, (who was a slave near the 1920's~1940's in Europe) was an inventor before he got captured. He was studying Alchemy before, during, and after his capture. By now, he would have been atleast around 70 or higher of age if he was still alive...he met my mom 6 years after he escaped. LOOOOOOOONG time later, here I am...XD My dad had gold/blond hair/eyes, mom had reddish brown hair and green eyes. (real parents I mean. Found a picture and boks-stuff) Soo...yeah. That's why.
So...now I am the IDENICAL version of Edward Elric. XDD I feel like a GOD....XD ...Hm..I even have a hand-made costume of him...XDD