
Ellowh the lovely people who for some reason, have decided to follow me O.o seriously, I have no idea why.
          	But, if  you luff me and want Unicorns, please read my new story?? :D and comment. And add me on kik. IncognitoLea :D I'll let you decide what happens next in that story of mine :D
          	Have fun, my lovelieees :3


Ellowh the lovely people who for some reason, have decided to follow me O.o seriously, I have no idea why.
          But, if  you luff me and want Unicorns, please read my new story?? :D and comment. And add me on kik. IncognitoLea :D I'll let you decide what happens next in that story of mine :D
          Have fun, my lovelieees :3


@fizgavino yesh, yes I am :D And I deleted it because I had absolutely NO idea how to continue. I basically though of a title, the guy who plays main role and then improvised :D Then I wrote the summary, I liked te summary... I think in my next book (which will be planned) I will have a smimilar summary. Don't ask why :/ and also, thank you so much lol :D It means a lot to get a compliment on my writing skills :]


@freshwaterfall Is it sad that my own comments entertain me?
          Yeah, probably is. And I also have quite a word dictionary, better than yours probably >:)
          And yesh, youbare stealing my books. I am always right, no matter what. And the only reason I ever read books with bad grammar is because... Uh, I was tricked by the author. They make a really good 'blurb' (Inlove that word :D) and then I read it, forgive the firstfew mistake but come on! If you don't know the difference between 'two, to and too' & don't know the difference berween 'quiet and quite' then that is pathetic. My personal favourite is whn someone is writing a book about angels and the said person writes ANGLES instead of ANGELS. I just... Humanity has no hope -.-
          Oh yeah, the squishy in the back is kiiinda scary.. But dating a jellyfish?? Yeah, good luck with that :D And I'm pretty sure that's called beastiality. And it's illegal. :D
          -Stay superCALLIfraggalisticespialidocious (HA! You will NEVER beat meeee >:D Mouahahahhahahaah)
          ~ Unforgettable awesome person.


@Silent_Siren You think you can me MUAH in lengths in comments? Well, you will be sadly mistaken, my friend. My word dictionary inside my mind is really big.
          And by the way, maybe I DO want to date squishy! He is just so adorable! But not the one in your background...yeash... :p
          I'm not stealing your books, I'm just...just...uhh...yea, I'm totally stealing them. :/ I have no idea why somebody would want to read something with incorrect grammar, it's just annoying. The only reason I ever do, is because people always ask me to read their books, and I don't have the heart to say no. :'(
          I would much rather read, "Ray, you better give me those cookies right now, or I'm telling mom!" than, "Ray u better giv me those right now or im telling mom!" That's just aggravating. >:/
          -Stay superfragalisticexpealidocios (Beat that! >:D)


@freshwaterfall Psh, dude my comments are ALWAYS he longest and uhh, most sophisticated (YAY! I didn't even have to use auto correct for that one :D) comments ever. So even though you beat the awesome bit, you will NEVER beat me length wise. ..Innuendo right there. 
          Anywho, go ahead and enjoy my wonderful taste in book and steal from da library :D I can assure you every single one of them will have good if not great grammar which is amazing. 
          How do people read books with terrible grammar?
          Oh, and abbout Squishy. I have my suspicions of what gender it is but unless you want him to be your boyfriend I don't think it matters :D So squishy will forever be called 'it'. K?
          - Stay wondrous (HA! Beat that TOO :D Thank you my thesaurus accomplice..)
          - Stranger of Awesome


@Silent_Siren Wow. That was an insanely long comment! Then I saw that you had left me TWO super long comments! I have no idea how I'm going to beat that; but I'm going to try. I am very competitive.
          I'm gonna check out your book WC in Walmart soon. It sounds really awesome. c; 
          Right now I'm going through your reading list, and adding a ton of books from there, because you have awesome taste when it comes to books. Example: Alphas and angels. I made sure to write 'reading list' because I once said I saw some book in somebody's 'library' and she freaked out because she thought I had gotten in her account or something and looked at her books. It was really awkward after that. -_-
          Oh, and about Squishy...I have to Squishy a boy or a girl? I mean, really! I have no idea. I always thought 'it' was a boy, but I guess I just assumed that. I don't really know. :/
          -Stay amazing (HA, I BEAT 'STAY AWESOME!') (Told you I was competitive.)