@freshwaterfall Is it sad that my own comments entertain me?
Yeah, probably is. And I also have quite a word dictionary, better than yours probably >:)
And yesh, youbare stealing my books. I am always right, no matter what. And the only reason I ever read books with bad grammar is because... Uh, I was tricked by the author. They make a really good 'blurb' (Inlove that word :D) and then I read it, forgive the firstfew mistake but come on! If you don't know the difference between 'two, to and too' & don't know the difference berween 'quiet and quite' then that is pathetic. My personal favourite is whn someone is writing a book about angels and the said person writes ANGLES instead of ANGELS. I just... Humanity has no hope -.-
Oh yeah, the squishy in the back is kiiinda scary.. But dating a jellyfish?? Yeah, good luck with that :D And I'm pretty sure that's called beastiality. And it's illegal. :D
-Stay superCALLIfraggalisticespialidocious (HA! You will NEVER beat meeee >:D Mouahahahhahahaah)
~ Unforgettable awesome person.