
*note - this is *very* important, please read
          	alright, so. i think i'll just get to the point. i'm unable to access my account on almost all of my devices, it was practically a miracle that i managed to even write this message using a different browser.
          	in short, i cannot use this account to update any of my stories until Wattpad manages to fix whatever is going on with my account. i highly doubt it'll happen or if it's even resolvable, as it's happening both on the website (mobile + desktop) and on the app. so i just decided to transfer over to my new account, @ashes_of_burnt_ivy
          	even if this *does* manage to get fixed, i don't think i'll bother using this account afterwards since this isn't the first time i've had issues with this account and i don't want to take any chances. so if you really want to see updates on my stories such as Dragonspeaker, then i highly recommend just following my new account instead (especially as i'm closer to being finished with the latest chapter, and am planning on posting a Wings of Fire x Miitopia fanfic at some point either this or the next month). i'll be reuploading most of my stories on here, and if i don't get any response or solution to my current situation, i'll probably just deactivate my account.
          	i apologise for any inconvenience, but i don't have much hope that this will be resolved any time soon if at all. i'm not sure if anyone checks these when i make them since no one ever responds, but i'll announce it anyways since it's fairly important.


*note - this is *very* important, please read
          alright, so. i think i'll just get to the point. i'm unable to access my account on almost all of my devices, it was practically a miracle that i managed to even write this message using a different browser.
          in short, i cannot use this account to update any of my stories until Wattpad manages to fix whatever is going on with my account. i highly doubt it'll happen or if it's even resolvable, as it's happening both on the website (mobile + desktop) and on the app. so i just decided to transfer over to my new account, @ashes_of_burnt_ivy
          even if this *does* manage to get fixed, i don't think i'll bother using this account afterwards since this isn't the first time i've had issues with this account and i don't want to take any chances. so if you really want to see updates on my stories such as Dragonspeaker, then i highly recommend just following my new account instead (especially as i'm closer to being finished with the latest chapter, and am planning on posting a Wings of Fire x Miitopia fanfic at some point either this or the next month). i'll be reuploading most of my stories on here, and if i don't get any response or solution to my current situation, i'll probably just deactivate my account.
          i apologise for any inconvenience, but i don't have much hope that this will be resolved any time soon if at all. i'm not sure if anyone checks these when i make them since no one ever responds, but i'll announce it anyways since it's fairly important.


(apologies to any of my followers getting notifs for this who aren't interested in updates on Dragonspeaker, feel free to ignore if so.)
          alright, so! i've never really used this feature before, but considering i haven't updated Dragonspeaker in a while (a bit longer than my typical two week period to write + edit chapters, so to speak) and it seems to be the story of mine that most people are interested in reading, i just wanted to say something now. i don't really want to add a chapter to the story, as i'd rather save that for the actual chapter when i'm finished with it.
          i just wanted to let everyone know that i haven't stopped writing Dragonspeaker or dropped it - in fact, i'm at a point on the 17th chapter where i could believably end it without it seeming too rushed. things have just been busy with school as i've been going back into in-person school. with me being on spring break, i should have more time to write so hopefully i can get something done by then! outside of that, the chapter has been generally draining as Rowan's chapters tend to burn me out faster (kinda odd since i really enjoy writing her, but i digress). in addition, i have been working on two other WoF fanfics atm that are more of side projects until i get further along into Dragonspeaker and/or finish it and i want to have at least a few chapters for both of those done by the time i finish Dragonspeaker, so yeah.
          and i want to note that i'm aware that with the release of TDG, this kind of has turned into an AU, along with A Violet's Solace. while i'm still kind of annoyed that the latter can't perfectly fall into canon any more, i really don't care for the most part as i really don't care for the third arc anyways. i had a feeling Dragonspeaker would fall into AU territory after TDG, and i'm fine with that. just kind of peeved about it lol
          sorry for the long post, but i felt here was a lot to explain. in any case, have a lovely morning/noon/evening/night :>