Hello everyone! I know I've been absent but I updated and loaded some new chapters, and I've been working on drafting some new chapters also! Cats Eye is starting to pick up speed! Come catch up
Hello everyone! I know I've been absent but I updated and loaded some new chapters, and I've been working on drafting some new chapters also! Cats Eye is starting to pick up speed! Come catch up
After not being on for a while I got some writing done! I posted 2 NEW chapters and have a few more ready to go to just post which I will start posting them 1 at a time in just a few days. Cats Eye is back in the works!
Hey everyone. So I normally post on Thursday's but I've been able to start get more parts typed out of a few different stories. So I'll be trying to post more than once a week now :) Hope you enjoy the updates I'm about to put out.
Hello everyone. I have something exciting for this week. I'll be posting 2, yes you read that right, 2 chapters this week and they will both be to 'Promised'! Recently I was able to make a purchase that will be able to help me with pushing content out faster than I was. So, With that being said I hope you enjoy the update on thursday and I can't wait to take you on the adventures in my stories. :)
Sorry for not posting an update this past week as the holidays fell on the day I was suppose to do my update. But I'm trying my hardest to have enough ready to hopefully do 2 updated this week! At least 1 chapter for cats eye and the second update may for cats eye or another one of my stories, I was thinking of maybe either 'promised' or 'dark palace'. Let me know where yall would like to see the second update go to
Mann, its hard to get your writing noticed..if you only have one follower, and that follower being your friend. Selinaaa how do I get people to read my writing?