
I promise I'm gonna get chapter ten out soon. Please be patient, y'all. Thank you for waiting for my slow ass for so long.


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I'm really trying, y'all. Writer's block and high school is NOT a good combo. I'm gonna be replaying the campaign for like the 50 millionth time, so maybe I'll get some inspiration from that, but holy shit. I know what I want to write, I just don't know how to word it and I feel like a dumbass for that. It doesn't matter much because I'm not as active on here as I'd like to be, but I won't really be doing anything tomorrow. We love funerals :)


@SillyGooseAcademy   sillygooseacademy is not sillygossingacademing!!


Oh, also, I'm not fluent in anything but English lmao. If I mess up any spelling or use of words/phrases in foreign languages in the future, please reach out and tell me so I can fix the issue.


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Hey so my brain's all over the place right now so I'm gonna lose inspiration to work on certain things and then jump to others. I'm still working on the silly hot dog man story (hehe get it, because his name is Frank), just slowly. I'm at a point where I just don't know where the hell to go from where I'm at with the chapter, and it's literally at the beginning so I can't just publish what I have and change it later. I'm just experimenting what directions I can make it spiral, and I swear by the end of my writing days I'm gonna have some form of finger fucker-upper disease.


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Never mind, I'm a fucking nurr nurr and forgot I had chapter nine written already. Chapter ten's where I'm getting screwed at.


Figured I'd say this now, I'm sick. Updates might come later than they should. I apologize for the inconvenience, but it really hurts to move :,)


@earth2madi Thank you. I am physically, but whenever I'm sick, it brings me down mentally as well, and I'm still trying to get my mental state up before I write anything else.


[ @SillyGooseAcademy ] hopefully your feeling better<3 


Alright, I'm just gonna switch to updating on Sundays. Also, now that school's back in session, I might not be able to write as much as I currently have written. I apologize for those of you waiting for new chapters. I was supposed to update on Tuesday but I forgot again. Once again, I'm sorry for not being consistent, but I've also had a wee bit of writers block with chapter nine. You may see why if I don't change the direction a tad bit. I posted chapter five a second ago, so all I ask is that y'all be patient with me. Sorry if updates aren't as consistent as you'd like them to be. Have fun!


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As of right now, I have chapters 1-7 already finished, but I'm releasing chapters a week at a time so I have time to write chapters in between publishing so that way I don't do like I did before and fucking run my inspiration dry. (I swear to Jesus if I forget this account exists-). Currently working on chapter eight at the moment, so this oughta be fun. I'll obviously write more than just silly Mr. Hotdog man (Woods), but for now that's what I'm focusing on. I have a million and one things I'm still working on, and there's one that's done, it's just that I have to go through and proofread it due to me writing it when I was like twelve. God I didn't know what paragraphs were and I hate myself for it, but it's alright. I'll get it figured out. I always do. Hope everyone has a fun time reading! If I forget to publish, bully me on Discord, please, otherwise nothing will get done.