Hey all. Some of you might have noticed that I have been gone for quite a while. I've just been with friends. Chatting, hanging out, you know the usual.
Let me get to the point real quick..
I've been thinking alot about fandoms. I'm in several other fandoms aside from the SneakyShadowWolf fandom! (I'm not sure what she calls her fandom aside from a pack)
I love shipping characters together and creating these stories of them getting together! But I have been doing it all wrong...
The way I was doing it was just disturbing, disgusting and messed up.
I shouldn't sexually ship two characters together.. especially if they are REAL people.
Fictional characters might seem okay to ship that way, but it can ruin someone's perspective of that character that could of been known for being innocent.
People have their own opinions on any topic, but I just wanted to share mine.
This just shows that I won't be making any more SneakyRojiShip Lemon stories. I don't know either DinoRoji or SneakyShadowWolf.
Dino says he seems to like them, but I don't know what he fully thinks of them. What if I'm making him uncomfortable and he won't show it? Sneaky has been awfully quiet about my oneshots aswell. I'm scared she feels a discomfort of the stories. What kinda supports my claim is that she even gets embarrassed when she gets called cute! Or any other complement! Like come on!
So please understand! When it comes to shipping irl lemons oneshots, I WON'T do it..
Fictional characters? maybe, but not completely sure.
I hope you understand. Wish to come back soon to writing something new.