
To all my followers,
          	It is with a heavy heart that I announce that I will be going on a major hiatus. Just this morning I lost my little three-year-old puppy to seizures. With that on top of everything I've already been going through, I think it will be best for me as an author, as a person, and as a friend to step back and come to terms with my life. 
          	I don't know when I will return - all I know is that it's about time that I really focused on supporting my family during this incredibly hard year. 
          	If you have any questions or just need to talk, I'll be here. But until I can get my life back on some sort of sure footing, I'm afraid all updates on my books will be at a hard stop. 
          	Thank you for understanding. 
          	Sil out.


@ Silvaira  take your time, I'm sorry for your lost, I understand you


@Silvaria It’s okay, take your time 


To all my followers,
          It is with a heavy heart that I announce that I will be going on a major hiatus. Just this morning I lost my little three-year-old puppy to seizures. With that on top of everything I've already been going through, I think it will be best for me as an author, as a person, and as a friend to step back and come to terms with my life. 
          I don't know when I will return - all I know is that it's about time that I really focused on supporting my family during this incredibly hard year. 
          If you have any questions or just need to talk, I'll be here. But until I can get my life back on some sort of sure footing, I'm afraid all updates on my books will be at a hard stop. 
          Thank you for understanding. 
          Sil out.


@ Silvaira  take your time, I'm sorry for your lost, I understand you


@Silvaria It’s okay, take your time 


Hey guys, it's Sil. 
          I wanna make something very clear to a few of my followers. 
          Recently, I've been getting a lot of comments on my social media filled with hate. Most of the time, it's just pesky grammar and headcanon pokes and prods and sometimes the odd insult. I'm fine with that - in fact, it's comical. 
          But I draw the line at insulting my girlfriend. You guys know who you are, and I at least have the decency to leave you anonymous. You throw labels, names, insults at her in front of me - and most likely, you've never seen or heard her.
          So let me make this crystal clear to you. 
          I may not be able to make you do anything, or physically stop you, but there's a funny thing called Karma. And Karma has a tendency to be thorough. 
          So, you can throw insults at me and drag my name through dirt and filth - but don't you ever think of insulting my girlfriend again. She's the sweetest person in this world and doesn't deserve half the awful crap life gives her as it is. 
          If you feel the need to continue slandering my girlfriend's name, or mine, or anyone else's in that matter, go ahead. I can't stop you. But I will continue to treat you nicely and smile and treat you with the common courtesy of a human being. And I hope you feel ashamed of yourself for the words that you type as I prove every one of your insults wrong.
          This may be the internet, but common sense and respect still applies. Treat everyone the way you want to be treated - and for God's sake if you're going to insult someone, learn to insult people properly - spell-check is a thing.
          This has been a PSA from Sil. 


@ Silvaira  I'm really sorry to hear, they're someone out there, whom apparently haven't grown-up yet and let that be smudged onto you and your girlfriend. I can't really do anything, but hope you're both okay and give my love and support! <3


@Silvaira  Gurl, i dunno about them, but u know, we’re all human but with different opinions, i mean it’s okay if they don’t agree with one another but they don’t have to waste their time making us feel bad. U know what they say, haters gonna hate. Don’t mind them, just focus on people who care and love u. U and yur girl are strong and brave, remember that :)


A huge New Years Shout out to my lovely girlfriend PurpleXingXu! One year we've been together since November - and I could have never asked for a more supportive, dedicated friend and partner. 
          So my new year's resolution is to be just as supportive, dedicated, and loving as she's been to me. We have a lot of distance between us, but I will strive to be the best me for her - just like she's been since day 1. It's been a rollercoaster of emotions and struggles and she's weathered it all with me - and I can't ever thank her enough.
          So, with that said: Let this new year be judgement-free, full of love, and give everyone a chance to be who they want to be - no matter what comes in their way. Let this year be the one where we tear down walls, build up strength, and face our future as unified force. Let our generation - all generations - be united this year. 

