          	Lookie im on Tap Heheheh


Just tell me how u want ur character to be and ill do the rest 


@TheCorruptedOtaku oh and he's weak with his dual blades are called Moon and Sun, one with a crescent moon hilt, the other with a broken sun, but has strong psychokinesis, his strongest ability is his extreme speed as he can use it so well, hit and run.
            His ability, physic assault allows him to dig into a persons mind and find there deepest fear, it also increases his Psychokinesis and speed.


@TheCorruptedOtaku That was more then I thought it would be.


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@TheCorruptedOtaku  I'm really sorry my IPad didn't let me reply!
            Lex of the Hades familia, ( I suppose he'll mee Bell later)
            He's a extremely mature 14 year old
            He's the same as Bete, a wolf.
            A bit bitchy but try's his best.
            Weak level two.
            Makes himself look feeble to get attention from ladies.
            Judges people was to quickly but is usually right.
            Overconfident, asshole sometimes. Mischievous and sneaky.
            Wear something similar to Bell and Bete mixed, (not sure), he's a bit warped and quite the sadist.
            White hair, white ears and tail, yellow eyes with something that looks like winged eyeliner but it's not it's actually part of his face, sharp eyes, small nose, his teeth are very sharp but he eats at anytime he can, who knows the next time he'll be able too.
            Raised as a hunter but his family lived in a very abandoned area so he never got much food, he tried to give it to his mum each time, it's why he eats all the time. (Parents passed away, their bodies were to weak, he doesn't talk about it unless you prompt him, even then it's brief.)