
Hello- I was wondering if you were interested in making a deal. I am a relatively new writer on Wattpad and am hoping to share my work.  I was thinking that I could star every part of your story: Wings of Fire, Crowned in Caos, if you starred every part of my two stories. I only have 4 parts published, though by the time you read this I may have more. In addition, I would be happy to follow you if you follow me. Both of these actions would help us both gain visibility on Wattpad. Please respond to my message with yes or no so I know whether you want to do it! If you want to just star each others stories or just follow each other I would be happy to do that too. 
          I am a Wings of Fire fan and appreciate your work! Here are links to my stories:



Sorry if I misspoke- by star, I mean to vote for each others stories with a small icon- the more people who vote for your story the higher it is on feeds. All the same, if you want to decline my offer I completely understand. You vote for a story by selecting a small icon at the bottom of each part of the story, next to the add/comment/continue to the next part options, and you can see the number of votes for a story when browsing for it, next to a small star icon. Generally, stories with more stars show up higher when searching for a category in which your story falls under.
            I apologize for the confusion and greatly appreciate your time responding to my message.


@SkyclanSeawingHufpuf Good afternoon,
            While I do appreciate your offer. Crowned in Chaos has a pretty set storyline, and I'm not interested in adding any other factors to it at this time. Also the Characters in this story belong solely to me and my Co-writer and we'd appreciate for them to stay in the story where they belong.
            In short, I will have to decline your offer.
            As for the follow, I can absolutely do that 
            Thanks, Luna