
After a few weeks I managed to write another update! Another chaoter is in drafts, just gotta figure out how to move past a certain scene and that one will be ready for publish too! *^*


To those who follow this account and have been eagerly waiting for my updates, sadly I forgot my account details for this and so I've decided to make a new one instead. I will be moving all of my works into this new account and continue those that have yet to be continued here aswell.
          Somplease do follow this new account of mine instead ywy


Will be innactive for a week or two, reception problems here and there along with the preparations for mass testing in our area. If anyone wishes to leave me a message or have some sneak peeks on some story drafts feel free to beep me on my FB page (which is something I'm trying to revive from the dead xD) 
          I miiiight post sneak peeks to fanfics there too but yeah sneak peeks on originals will be what fills the page and update notifications ofc
          Keep safe and have fun everyone ^^)/


Heads up everyone! 
          I am momentarily back from the grave X3
          Since we have this lockdown due to the Covid19 virus my once upon a packed schedule was slightly cleared allowing me time to write updates. Had to read some of my own works however so I can remember their plots and what had happened thus far.
          I thank you all for the contiuos support and your patience, I'll seek to produce as much updates as I can while I can. Remember to stay indoors, keep safe and sanitized everyone! ^0^)/


Headz up everyone ^o^)/ I'd like to great you all a happy holiday! Xmas is up around the corner, how will you all spend it :3
          I'm actually pretty thrilled to announce that I got the courage to ask my girlfriend  Kate to do some proofreading and editing on my works X3 since, during the last update of one of my books someone mentioned it 6('w' along with a few of my buds. And thus and so the person who instantly came into my mind was asking her X3 I hope everyone gets along well uwu
          And an additional note: I most likely will be putting up a chapter update for the Fate fanfic before new year so, look forward to that guys *^*)b that's all from SilverFangz, you all know the drill! 'Till laterz! +w+)/


No she didn't and doesn't 