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Hello to everyone, well all three stories did make it past round two, WHOO-HOO. I can't tell you how happy I was to see my name listed all three times. Now for the bad news. I am not submitting all three stories. A Broken Heart of Stone and How to Kill an Elite, have been entered into round three, but A Dragon's Tale: Quest for Truth, isn't ready yet. I was close, I only had around 2000 more words, but the story needs more than just 2000 words, and I'd rather give my story the love it deserves and not have it in the contest, than rush it and lose what makes it worth telling. I knew I was crazy to try to spin out three completed stories, especially after failing to do so last year, but I still tried. I was closer this year. And next year, if I decide to write more than one story for it, well, I'll just try even harder. I'm hoping and praying that the two that I submitted will go even farther. Last year, I was long listed in the top 170, this year my heart yearns to hopefully make it if nothing else to the long list again, but I'd love to be short listed which is the next step. I know I'm probably talking to the air here, I'm used to that, but if there is anyone out there, please take a look at my newest stories, A Broken Heart of Stone and How to Kill an Elite, give me some feedback, even if you trash it, I won't get offended, I promise. And if any of you have something you'd like me to read, tell me. I'll read it and let you know what I think, and I won't just trash it. As readers and as writers we have to build each other up, and help each other. I know I still have a long way to go until I even have a shot at being published, but if I can help someone else, then I will, and getting feedback helps me know if I'm progressing or not. So please, check out my stories, and if you want I'll check out yours. Until next time Be Blessed. ~ SilverInk00