
Hey everyone, small announcement here. I am going to re-write Double Life and then maybe after that Stronger. Now this isn't going to effect the original books so don't worry about that. I just want to re-write Double Life to see the changes in my writing and to change parts of the story which aren't very realistic. The plot will not change one bit! I am going to post the edited book so you guys can read it if you wish. Cheers, Silver :)


Hi I was wondering if you wrote a story call "the boy dressed in blood"? It was one of my favorite but I can't seem to find it not sure who wrote it but I thought it was you.sorry if I'm wrong.i just would love to read it again 


Hey everyone, small announcement here. I am going to re-write Double Life and then maybe after that Stronger. Now this isn't going to effect the original books so don't worry about that. I just want to re-write Double Life to see the changes in my writing and to change parts of the story which aren't very realistic. The plot will not change one bit! I am going to post the edited book so you guys can read it if you wish. Cheers, Silver :)


Hi there, remember me? Well I'm finally back. However if any of you will see this and you actually care I will no longer be writing fanfiction. Personally I don't listen to One Direction anymore and have lost interest in writing fiction about them a long time ago hence the lack of activity on Wattpad. I tried to force myself to write Little Blue cause a lot of you have asked for it but I honestly can't find any inspiration for it. However I am starting a new story called The Paranormal Project. If you can check it out and let me know what you think then that would be great. Cheers, Silver :)


@SilverMirror Oh okay! Yay! Thanks! Just take your time! :)


@JordanTomlinsonHood Im still going to keep them on my profile for those who still want to read them :) Also I'm going to try to finish Little Blue but it might take some time :)


Hey guys, so I've been gone for quite some time now. I needed a break from everything. I honestly wasnt in the mood to write anymore and lost all interest in it; however now I feel like I'm ready to continue. Saying that though I will not be continuing any of the stories I have published right now, instead I will start a new one. So if anybody is reading this it would be a great help if you could let me know if you want to read a fanfiction or a teenfiction. Thanks, Silver :)


@SilverMirror hi love mind checking out my L.S short story and maybe read one of my poems in my poetry book? thnx xx


Updated Hidebrid for you guys too! No more updates for today have to finish my revision!! First exam tomorrow!! EEK!!! Some more updates soon nevertheless!
          Next stories to be updated (sometime this week-possibly even tomorrow) are Ghostly Love and Silent :)