
Haven’t written in a story in a min, but earlier I had a random idea for one and just went with it. Forgot how fun it was to write, and really enjoyed it. I’d post the story but it’s a bit too unpolished atm


I’m so conflicted rn. Made a first chapter for a story, but like, the chapter should be for a new story entirely. No idea what was going through my mind when making this chapter but the plot of the story and the chapter are two completely different things. I might just have to wing it. 


OKAY! So I've had a story in the works for awhile and I finally thought up of something which I hope you guys will enjoy. This type of story has been done by a lot of ppl and of those I've read for the most apart I enjoyed them. With 3 or 4 books specifically standing out with how great they are. Wanted to do something more original than just the usual. After reading, I decided on an original plot that took me awhile to come up with. Now... to get to work! (Probably should just say what the story is but, I like surprises)


Yeah... I didn't really have a reason for the whole Furretzilla idea, just as a break of sorts, and a little fun story out of nowhere to enjoy. Don't expect a whole lot though, considering it was made up on a whim and tbh a lot of thought did go into this but, not in the way you'd think lmao