
I m feeling low T_T 


Gave it a deep thought ya I will go for biology teaching classes for class 11 ,class 12, neet . I think it will be detailed so it will help in bsc and msc basics too those who take bsc bio or bsc zoology in masters or graduation level
          Classes from April until then free trial videos on my you tube channel,the handle is  @DietNutrify and name of channel is Nutrify lifestyle 
          *My idea is making interactive colorful note sheets
          *Doubt session 
          *just one hour class or half hour class on Google meet so it is not boring 
          *weekend off 
          *festivities off 
          *trial free classes on you tube for students to see how I teach and for student feedbacks before anyone enrolls
          *Fee structure will be rs 500 pr month through gpay in advance 
          So if u know anyone who needs biology classes then do tell them about me 
          For queries contact
          or here on my wattpad profile 


@SilverSparkling47 if I had gotten a class of less studies ,online mode ,good teacher ,low fee than ya life would have turned in career level for me but I m happy where I am today and will help other students 


@SilverSparkling47 also I don't want deserving hardworking students to suffer coz they can't afford high fee coaching or don't have good coaching nearby or any other issues . 


@SilverSparkling47 if I didn't get any students then also I will teach for free of cost on my you tube channel coz teaching was always my dream and passion ❤️


I hate when people ask detailed diet queries just for the sake they know me personally but are not ready to ask it as a proper plan as in freelance...yes advising people is what I like but what consumes time and my hardwork needs to be paid ....I have studied for 5 yrs not just for plain charity ....sounds rude but honestly people pay doctors but not dieticians as if it's no hardwork 


@SilverSparkling47 the moment I told her my price for diet then only she stopped asking stuff...some general help is ok but if someone is freelancer than either don't ask free detailed advises or better ask a proper diet plan in a professional way


@SilverSparkling47 correct me if my annoyance is wrong


@SilverSparkling47 the moment I acknowledge that if details needed then ask a plan from me then reply comes I will take help of needed after asking how much calories and protein needed and what kind of protein to meet requirements the person thinks she haven't asked anything will take help in future if needed