
50 years ago today, on August 8th 1970 the infamous Penn Cove captures took place. 7 young Southern Resident orcas (that are now critically endangered) were kidnapped and sold into slavery. Only one is still alive. Her name is Lolita. She is now lives alone in a illegally small tank at Miami SeaAquarium. Please visit to learn how to free her from that prision!


50 years ago today, on August 8th 1970 the infamous Penn Cove captures took place. 7 young Southern Resident orcas (that are now critically endangered) were kidnapped and sold into slavery. Only one is still alive. Her name is Lolita. She is now lives alone in a illegally small tank at Miami SeaAquarium. Please visit to learn how to free her from that prision!


I got a puppy today! She is a golden doodle and 9 weeks old (: She is SO CUTE!! My other dog Addie, doesn't like her very much... But she'll have to get use to the new puppy, her name is Franny (but we might change it, not sure though).


@SilverSpirit345 I'm sure the very definition of love has everything to do with chocolate, good food, and puppies.


I got a question for you...
          Reading your bio, you mentioned you’re working on 30 stories, how do you do it and keep at it too? I’m an aspiring writer and working on 2-3 novels at the moment and I’m seeking any tips and tricks. 


@MysteriousDryad I write a little here a little there... Whatever I feel like writing I do it, honestly I have so many ideas in my head (: Whenever I have free time I write (or I'm going on walks with my pup)
            If I feel like writing about my dragon books(not published yet) then I do so, if I don't feel like writing then I read. 
            Personally I think that a book should be completed before it's posted that way you don't feel rushed (and it makes a improvement in your writing) 
            Best of luck on your novels! (: