Here is the second part to my previous announcement :) I just don't feel like my story is that good anymore and at times I feel almost like I've crossed a boundary I should have respected before. And because I've crossed it, I am sincerely very sorry. There is always a boundary you need to respect while writing fanfiction (Especially when it's based on a show like South Park) and that's something I hadn't taken into account beforehand. But even though I didn't before I know I Should now. The best part about this whole entire experience has been all of you amazing people who have supported me through so much this entire time. I feel so grateful for all this absolutely beautiful support you all have given me over time. I feel like I might cry just thinking about it because all of you really do warm my heart with every comment, vote, and overall love you send me. I think that it's why I've kept Unrequited as it is for so long, because of all of you. <3 But I do have to make a change to the story by changing it to something that isn't South Park and something that's original for the better. I'm in the process of doing so right now and I am pretty confident that it will turn out okay in the end. I really do hope that you will all still enjoy the story even though it's no longer associated with the fandom, but if you don't I understand and I won't force you to feel any differently. I think that the new version should be out sooner than later and once again thank you all so much for your support. I can't say it enough, thank you, thank you for everything. From the amazing support to the comments I love to read, I really couldn't ask for anything more. All of you guys are amazing. <3

@Silver_1014 good luck! I'm sure it will turn out great and we'll all be there to read and support it! :))