
this message may be offensive
So hey.
          	I know this is already my third status in like two hours, but I'm kinda curious.
          	What would you guys want me to update the most of?? It's been forever since I've actually written anything for any of my stories, so if any of you could tell me what you'd like to see more of, that'd be pretty sweet.
          	Just don't say the Game of Life, I'm actually rewriting it cuz wow it was shit. Thanks 7th grade me for the terrible writing.


@EmiNatsu Ahhh that was one of my first stories. I'm actually gonna rewrite the first chapter (changing the wording not the plot) and I'll try getting a few more chapters in. Thanks for the suggestion!


@Silver_Eris I would like for you to update the story about Ushio. ^^


this message may be offensive
So hey.
          I know this is already my third status in like two hours, but I'm kinda curious.
          What would you guys want me to update the most of?? It's been forever since I've actually written anything for any of my stories, so if any of you could tell me what you'd like to see more of, that'd be pretty sweet.
          Just don't say the Game of Life, I'm actually rewriting it cuz wow it was shit. Thanks 7th grade me for the terrible writing.


@EmiNatsu Ahhh that was one of my first stories. I'm actually gonna rewrite the first chapter (changing the wording not the plot) and I'll try getting a few more chapters in. Thanks for the suggestion!


@Silver_Eris I would like for you to update the story about Ushio. ^^


When ppl want you to go to hell just for choosing team Mystic.
          LE SIGH
          I'm a nice person, don't judge me because of a damn Pokemon team.
          Go read my recent rant for some insight on why I'm extremely annoyed right now. You know, if you're actually curious.


K so I kinda apologize about leaving for an extreme amount of time but I might be coming back. Only to work on my current stories and catch up with some of you guys. I actually kinda missed talking to some of you.
          But my weeb phase is kinda... Over. Like I'm not really a huge fan of anime anymore?? I'll still watch it but I'm not overly obsessive as I was like a year ago. These days I just cry over Homestuck and SU while playing Pokemon Go.
          If I've changed too much to your liking, I'm sorry lmao.
          But if any of you wanna hmu please do, I'm lonely.


Watch Lovely Complex ^_^


@Royal_Rebel  I'm pretty good. How about you? ^u^


@Silver_Eris That's cool :3 so how are ya?