
Once I get things situated at work, I should be able to start writing again. Be on the lookout!


Just got home from work. Going to game for a little bit and get some coffee in my system, and then I might write a bit more for the Ember series. I've got a few stories running through my head for additional chapters for it. =^.^= Hope you all are having a good weekend!


Chapter 2 of the Ember series, Kindred Flames, is live! I'll be working on chapter 3 over the next few days, as well! I might start this evening after the horses have been fed. >.> If anyone wants a particular play scene to be played out in any of the chapters for Ember, send me a message and let me know!


Omg! I've just turned into a two year old after leaving work. it's snowing!! Snow. in November! Yay!!!! 
          Yes, I'm in Ohio. But, to my credit, I just moved here. And no. Snow is not something I'm used to seeing. So I'm super excited!


Hmm. My one day off. I have coffee and ideas floating through my head, per usual. XD Chapter 4 for Passionate Servant being written now.
          Again, chapters 1 and 2 were pulled, edited, and put back up, and chapter 3 added a few days ago. I'm still sorry that it took me so long to get back to where I needed to be at to write again!