
this message may be offensive
Hello, my lovely stars! I know its been a while since I've updated. Senior year has seriously beend kicking my ass. But I am actively working on a new chapter as well as a few side projects for my creative writing class. Including a novella I will be l posting on here at the end of the semester once I have finished it. I won't promise an updating schedule because lets be honest i suck at those but I'll try my best. Love you guys lots!


this message may be offensive
Hello, my lovely stars! I know its been a while since I've updated. Senior year has seriously beend kicking my ass. But I am actively working on a new chapter as well as a few side projects for my creative writing class. Including a novella I will be l posting on here at the end of the semester once I have finished it. I won't promise an updating schedule because lets be honest i suck at those but I'll try my best. Love you guys lots!


Hey, guys! I know i haven't  updated in a while and i'm really  sorry  about that.  I've  been working on  prep  for finals for the last month  and haven't  really had time to work on the new chapter. But school ends on Monday and updates  will continue  regularly, so no worries. I hope you guys did well this school year. Have a nice summer!


I LOVE YOUR BOOK FROST it's amazing  can't wait for more XD


Yay thank u!!


@Rainy841 Thank you so much! That means a lot to me. And I'm really working hard on the new chapter,  so you won't have to wait to long.


Hello, My lovely stars! I just re-posted the new first chapter for Frost (It's more like a prologue really). It's a little bit short but that's kind of the way I wanted to be. I do plan on working on  the first actual chapter  on the first week of winter break which won't be for a weak since I have finals starting Monday, but aye, what can ya do? 


Hey Guys! I know I haven't updated Fated in very long and I'm really sorry about that. I've been having a hard time trying to continue the story in the way I want it to go. That being said I think I'm just going to completely re-write the story as well as change the Title of some of the chapters and the book its self.  I really hope you guys like the new plot line and I'm sorry its taken we this long to tell you boys what's up.