This is my first announcement, seeing as I have a tendency to flip flop in and out of this app.
Anywho. I have come with a sneak peek for a potential book I want to write. If you guys like this idea, and even if you don't, I'll start it. But Yee, anyways here's the prologue:
Klarion cackled. A wicked, echoing, laugh falling from the Witch Boy as he cast his spell. A spell worked on for months. The plan being made months before that.
With each word spoken he could feel the worlds being pulled together, but this time, it was different than the last..
It wasn't the kids and adults being put into two different worlds, nor the past and future becoming one, not even Klarion pulling another reality, another time line, into this one.
It was 4 different worlds, 4 different universes becoming one. Joining this one, colliding and becoming one.
Four different ways of living, four different missions, joining this one. This was definitely one way to bring the Chaos. One way indeed.
As long as his comrades did their job this should all play out perfectly..
That is if those pesky Justice Babys didn't foil his plans he worked long and hard on. Oh well even if they did it would be fruitless. In due time he'd have enough puppets to crush them all.
In the end only Chaos will reign..