
The best Asexual analogy I’ve done yet to explain what I am to allos, is that “Netflix and chill, means Netflix and chill.”


@Silverhawk5002 I'd much rather do literal Netflix and Chill than the other one. Idk who wouldn't tbh


The best Asexual analogy I’ve done yet to explain what I am to allos, is that “Netflix and chill, means Netflix and chill.”


@Silverhawk5002 I'd much rather do literal Netflix and Chill than the other one. Idk who wouldn't tbh


Did I work on more Butterfly Queen chapters? Why yes, yes I did. 
          Were they the correct ones that come right after the ones posted on Wattpad? I mean…maybe…no. 
          BUT. this proves that I’m still invested in BQ. Even if it’s not the first few chapters. I’ve had people commenting about liking my story, and that it could be great, and I really don’t want to let them down. 


I know I’m a book lover when I can’t decide what books to take to camp, and then run out of room for all the books and have to go back to the drawing board. Do I really need clothes? I’m sure I could fit a few more books in…


So you know the typical “No phones” rule camps have? I’ve never been more tempted to break it. I love music, and my phone has my whole Spotify playlist. It’s also a security blanket. If I’m having a tough time, I can text my friends and they’ll make me feel better. Or say I’m crazy and to just #%^*ing deal with it. They tend to be blunt which is actually a good thing, because if they hate you they just say that. Now I’m just rambling cause I’m nervous. I did this before I went to camp last year too, but that was a summer camp.  At this point, I would happily talk to a person I don’t like just because I actually know them. My introvert timer is screaming bloody murder at me because there is no escape. And I’m going to stop rambling here because this is getting REALLY long. 


In an act of procrastination, I ended up editing the chapters of Butterfly Queen that are out right now. I changed it a tiny bit, but it’s not a major thing. I did change one underlying plot point, so if you read Butterfly Queen you might want to check that out, it’s in chapter 1 part 1.
          Love y’all, Jamie