
My darlings, I might have to take a break for some time as my semester exam is around the corner. I need to prepare for my exam, so please, wait for me patiently. I'll be back by the end of May, and I assure you that there will be regular updates onwards. Plus, two new stories. Please, look forward to it. Until then I'll count each day missing you all. I love you all. 


@Sim_foney we will miss you and we will wait for you all the best for your exam study hard 


@Sim_foney OMG! All the best for your exams, and take care of yourself. Gonna wait for you :( 




@Aaron_Lycan_Official I would love to but I might have to deny that as I still have a lot of works to do with my current books and upcoming books too. Plus, I have tight schedule with my college and other stuffs. I appreciate the offer though. Thanks. I hope you would understand my situation. 


@Sim_foney would you lie to collaborate with me on a book


My darlings, I might have to take a break for some time as my semester exam is around the corner. I need to prepare for my exam, so please, wait for me patiently. I'll be back by the end of May, and I assure you that there will be regular updates onwards. Plus, two new stories. Please, look forward to it. Until then I'll count each day missing you all. I love you all. 


@Sim_foney we will miss you and we will wait for you all the best for your exam study hard 


@Sim_foney OMG! All the best for your exams, and take care of yourself. Gonna wait for you :( 


I'm so excited and glad to share you this.. Our college won the inter-college sport championship. Our college have been holding this title for years till now. And we are still able to defend our title The matches finally ended today. I'm crying out of joy. Our efforts has payed off. 
          And I'll be starting the updates from tomorrow onwards again. If I'm able to it, I'll update everyday for this week as a celebration of our victory. Please look forward to it


@joshuaformLA .. It is there. I don't know why you couldn't read. Others can. Please try again


@Sim_foney writernim why can't I read mafia game 2 its just that its one of my favorite story 


@Sim_foney Congratulations!!
            And take you're time~~ (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)


This is an important announcement.. I really am grateful to all the readers, from any of the fanfictions.. I know you guys are eager for updates, but please be patient. Although I sometimes regularly updated the stories, I still need and have to concentrate in my studies too since I'm still a student. Plus, we're having an inter-college sports championship these days, I'm exhausted physically and mentally. So I need some rest too. I would be thankful if you could understand my situation. I promise that I will update during the weekends.. 


@Sim_foney It's okay don't worry take you're time we will be here for you and wait cuz what matters the most it's your health and good luck~ <33