
WAIT ONE LAST THING! Really Wattpad? We still have these sickening profiles? Ok I'm good


HELLO FRIENDS! Sorry it has been years since I last updated! I promise I am still alive. So I have a few things to cover:
          1. I'm back (mwahaha)
          2.  My school musical went awesome. I was the best girl playing  guy there!
          3. @Broadwaygurl88 did a fantastic job as the bakers wife in into the woods! And so did Grace and Sarah (they are not on Wattpad because they do not know happiness[Robert Black is my new gay bae, @Broadwaygurl88]) 
          4. Oh my gosh! I got new followers! For those of you who followed me over the last while, thank you so much! I usually like to thank you personally but I can't tell who followed me and who didn't (what are the interwebs?) so if you have followed me and I haven't thanked you, please comment so I can thank you. 
          5. Ok so @Broadwaygurl88 has been biting my ear off about updating Team Player. I promise I will get to it. 
          6. I really want to start a new series of books about equality and rights and things like that. Mostly because a) I have 2 friends (who shall remain nameless) that are homosexual/confuzed about their sexual orientation and have struggled with a few things related to that and I just find it really stupid that people can't just realize that human beings  ARE HUMAN BEINGS so who cares what you sexual orientation is? I mean honestly! and b) we had a black history month assembly that kind of inspired me. I thought it was cool. So I'm going to start one with a sexual orientation theme and probably not get to another till I finish at least one book. I mean seriously, this is ridiculous. I have 3 BOOKS IN THE WORKS! I GOTTA GET ONE DONE EVENTUALLY!
          Thank you for suffering through this message. 
          Love you all


OH MY GOSH! Haven't been on since the dinosaur ages! Missed you guy so much! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in years. School + musical = Simmie dead. I promise I will get back on eventually. I know all of you are busy with school too, so hang in there. Its almost winter break, and more importantly, it's almost Chanukkah! I love you all! Good studies!
          P.S. For all of you people bugging @broadwaygirl88 about updating, leave her alone! She is a busy woman! She has school + 2 MUSICALS so BACK OFF. Love you girlie ;). Good luck Watters!


THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! The new profiles are awful! I'm sorry Wattpad, I love you more than PJs made of flannel, but seriously, they suck. Please please PLEASE change them back! If you do I will upgrade you to just above Legally Blonde the musical, and thats saying something.


I KNOWWWWWWWWWW. But I can't get it for a while probably.