@LB_Jade Your welcome I really enjoy reading your books their pretty funny. I'm so glad I clicked on The China Doll Chronicles and discovered you. Anyways thx for your comment and have a wonderful day.(☆^ー^☆)
@Lujayna Awwww your welcome! It makes me so happy to be one of your favorite readers. Also I wanted to ask what inspired you to write this story and did you come up with the storyline as you went along or did you have it all planned out in your head from day 1?
I'm so happy to know you're among the first readers who stuck around this long even after I went on a hiatus for 2 years. Thank you so much for your patience and for this kind message. It really means a lot to me. You're officially one of my favorite readers! <3
@Lujayna No thank you for updating the story. Your book is one of the first books I read on wattpad about 3 years ago or maybe 4 idk. But your writing is amazing and I wish you the best of luck on Where We Stand. It's really good so far. Stay fabulous! ^_^ btw I can't believe you just messaged me!!!! I'm beyond happy right now.