
Hi everyone, 
          	So recently I went through a pretty horrible experience that I am trying to move on from in my honest novel 'Rape'. It would mean a lot to me if you guys could read it and share it to raise awareness and hopefully help other survivors out there. Thank you all so much, 
          	Sim x


Hi everyone, 
          So recently I went through a pretty horrible experience that I am trying to move on from in my honest novel 'Rape'. It would mean a lot to me if you guys could read it and share it to raise awareness and hopefully help other survivors out there. Thank you all so much, 
          Sim x


Hey everyone, how are you all doing?
          I just posted the first chapter to a new story I'm working on called Sacrifice. It would mean the world to me if you guys could check it out and let me know what your valued opinions are.
          Thank you lovelies :) xx


Hey there! Thanks for voting on "Forever and Ares"! I am so happy you liked it! 


@EstelleTerblanche I honestly cant wait to read it, I'm sure the longer version will be as brilliant as the original, or even better :)


Thank you so much, I am actually working in the complete/full version and will be posting it in 2016... I got a lot of readers who asked for a longer version and it was such a lovely story to write so it will be my greatest pleasure! 


@EstelleTerblanche I didn't mind, it was a brilliantly written book although I wish it were longer ;) An amazing job! xx