
@MatthewOlney Ahh you are the man. A thousand thankyous.


Hi Simon,  I haven't heard from you in ages, and I just thought I'd check in and see what you're up to these days. I know you have a pesky day job that keeps you away from the word of Wattpad (;/ , but I do hope you pop back and visit us when you can.
          I'm still getting Claudius in trouble as much as possible, and he's about to make a seriously stupid career move. Before starting Part II, I will insert a chapter at the start in Pompey's camp in Spain. I decided it's better to introduce the gang there and show how he winds up back in Rome, rather than fill it in via backstory. Hope it works.


@Cinilla Hello. I'm still alive.  Been working on my non fiction stuff for the last few weeks. planning to get back to the novel and catch up with the world of Wattpad next week.


Only managed to get hold of your book recently and haven't read anything else so good for ages!  An extra  bonus this period is so rarely used as novel material.  Thank you so much.  Tash Jupp


@tashjupp7 Thanks very much, glad you liked it.  I'm desperate for reviews on Amazon so if you get a chance to add a few kind words I would be eternally grateful. All the best. Simon


Let me know if I missed an update or two, I went on a mad notifcations-deleting spree earlier in the week :)


Oh yeah I'm supposed to be writing stuff aren't I? I've done nothing for weeks - reality has been intruding upon me. Not written a thing - poor Theo is stuck in the middle of an ambush where I've left him. Suppose I better post the next chapter.


@Cinilla well I really liked the last chapter it was wonderfully descriptive and I could hear and smell the camels and oxen in my mind. It really conveyed the melting pot that was the Roman empire.  You don't want the readers with a mental image based on 60s Holywood sword and sandle movies much as we all love em. I have the opposite problem I am too concise and have to go back and pad out.


Thank you for the vote, Simon, on the new chapter. I'm sure you've noticed my scenes are a bit too long in their current form—Gods, Claudius hasn't arrived back in Rome yet! I will be cutting out the 'fat' in the revision to move things along faster. Right now I'm trying to use a WP update schedule just to get the darn thing written. 
          I've had feedback on the pacing, not from you, but I I find your works are well paced and am trying to emulate them. I tend to write agonizingly slow because I battle constantly with my internal editor, fretting over a thousand silly details, unable to spit out a page in a timely manner. So my week is up and either I upload or spend another week revising. 
          Clearly I do the same n my comments ;)) ...