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I'm sorry I don't feel comfortable sending this in public, but I need to say it.
I had this friend group,and we did everything together like walk to class, talk about the things we all like, and talk shit about our ex's. Well it turned out that One of the girls I was friends with(We're like best friends) had a problem with me and me only talking shit about her ex(we became friends because of how much we had this dude, my reason is because he said some pretty racist stuff to me and to a lot of others stuff to our friends) but instead of talking to me about it to me one on one, she got our whole friend group involved and had me backed up to a corner and in her words said "I got every one involved so every can say what their problem was with you" and for weeks them keep harassing me, and used all my insecurities on me and after weeks of dealing with them, I just snapped, but I was seen as the bad guy