
I'm working on the next chapter for "A Bad Idea" it isn't nearly as good as the last chapter and it's kinda well... Anyways would anyone who's still interested in the story like me to work on it a little longer to make it better or go ahead with the cringe? Wouldn't change the story line any.


I'm working on the next chapter for "A Bad Idea" it isn't nearly as good as the last chapter and it's kinda well... Anyways would anyone who's still interested in the story like me to work on it a little longer to make it better or go ahead with the cringe? Wouldn't change the story line any.


I finally figured out why it's been so hard for me to continue my stories, it's because I came up with endings for all of them. And if I know how it ends it becomes boring even though I'm the author and should know how I'm going to end it before I start it. So I'm changing the endings and we'll see what happens


I have two chapters done of 'A Bad Idea' but Idk how long it'll be before I write anything else, it can be seen as an ending but it's more of a cliff-hanger, if anyone still wants to read it, do you guys want me to go ahead and post it or wait for me to finish writing it?


@Kairi-The-Siren I posted one, I'll post the other chapter later today


@Simp420blazin Whichever you think is right for you ^^ I'm patient, but either way is fine with me. ^^ I'm excited to read it~ <3


I have writers block‍♂️‍♀️again. So, I probably won't have an "A Bad idea" chapter for this week or maybe it'll be late, idk. Sorry in advance.


@Simp420blazin Yay~ I'm still working on it at the moment, it's slow but I want to make sure I don't forget anything, stupid autocorrect keeps changing my words on grammerly.


@Kairi-The-Siren okay, I'll check it out


@Simp420blazin That's okay, I have had writer's block for weeks. So take your time. ^w^ Also I might do a Helbram x OC story soon, just to let you know. ^w^


I have a friend that keeps saying she's commenting on my 'stories' yes multiple times, I have maybe 1 or two people that comment on multiple stories and I don't get that many new people commenting on my main story. If you're going to lie at least know what it is your lying about.


Back in season 1 before king joins the group, do you think he was trying to get into the Nacropolis with his memories of Helbram? And when that didn't work he started thinking both Helbram and Elaine hated him and so when he sees Helbram alive he's both happy and sad he's still alive?


Would anyone be upset if I put my Gloxinia story on hold until I finish 'A Bad Idea' ? I promise it'll get finished, it's just adhd obsession has been leaning closer to Helbram so, its difficult.


@Simp420blazin I won't be upset ^^ I think you should do it if it helps you and since you leaning more towards Helbram at the moment then go for it ^^ Whatever makes it easy and comfortable for ya ^^