
Hey, my new star trek oneshot is out now!


Hi everyone! Sorry I havent been updating my Star Trek fic lately.  Here's a lil sneak peak of a one shot I'm working on ;)
          Ann stood up on her tippy toes to try and get a better look at the people coming out of the transport room.  “I don’t see him! What if he didn’t come back? What if he’s dead?” Natalie put a hand on Ann’s shoulder, trying to calm her agitated friend.  
          “I think starfleet would have said something if the Captain was dead.  From what we know, the saboteurs were stopped and the peace meeting continued as planned, and now the Enterprise crew are returning home.”  Ann continued to say the names of the crew members she saw walk by.
          “Scotty...Uhura...there’s Chekov...oh I see Spock!   That must mean….no….why is he not with Spock?” Natalie opened her mouth to answer, but was cut off by another voice.
          “Are you ladies looking for someone?”  They both spun around to see who the voice belonged to, coming face to face with a smiling middle aged man.  He wore the classic red uniform, badges showing his captain’s rank decorating his jacket. His hair was greying, and the smile lines in his face were more prominent than ever after 60 years of wearing a constant smug smirk, but his brown eyes still held the same shine they did when he was young.  It was as if he was looking at the world anew.
          “Jim…”  Ann whispered.