
ExcUse mE baRmAid, im afrAId yOu brOUght mE thE wrONg offspRing. I ordEreD a exTra lArgE boY wItH bEEfy aRms, extRa gUts aND gLoRy On tHE sIdE. ThIs hErE, thIs iS a tAlkIn’ fIshBonE


Hi Lee know(it's han from the rp)


this message may be offensive
@Adzy56 dont worry another friend (outside the rp) is being an annoying little shit so im focused on them rn


@ SimpingIsMyPurpose  please dont do it


this message may be offensive
My sister asked my why i am the way i am
          I told her i have a specific moto i follow
          She asked what it was
          I shall share it with whoever reads this shit:
          “You know what? …Fuck it-“
                 -definitely somebody, at some point
          Now she thinks im either stupid, insane, or just odd
          If she didnt think those things already-


Hello story writer I found your Wattpad story ! Interested in tips to boot follower like and engagement


@Dhictech_Marketer so with this can we discuss on it now 


Am not a writer am help writer with my marketing strategy to improve there follower, like,and good engagement   


@Dhictech_Marketer actually i am professional digital marketer with balance years of experience in the field which me develop speedy


Honestly ive spent so long NOT knowing wtf the name for my gender was that im so used to just being “oh nah im having a crisis rn ill get back to you” when someone asks. But now i have a word for it and like- my brain is so confused. 
          I almost called myself a certain gender then i was like “wait thats the wrong gender” but then i remembered and was like “wait technically NO gender is the wrong gender” and i sat for a good 7 minutes wondering wtf i was doing with my life-
          Just an average Tuesday yk?