
I have so many different story ideas, I think i'm just gonna make them in to one shots and se if people wants more


I sat on one of the guys (in my class) lap today, because I was tired and I didn't want to stand on the bus + he said "you can sit on my lap if you want". So the bus was full and he had a seat next to him so I asked "can you move so I can sit here" he said "no" a few seconds later his friend sat in the seat and he said "you can sit on my lap if you want" as a joke. So I thought it would be fun to sit on his lap. Now everyone in my class is asking if i like him, to which I reply "he's ok" "OOOOooooh". As we got off the bus I heard him say "I said that as a joke" to his friend then said "why didn't you push her off?" "It would have been rude" (we used to be friends in 1-2/3 grade). Don't worry I asked if he was ok with it all the time because of ✨Anxiety✨ and every time he said it was ok and he didn't mind... now that I think about it that could mean a lot different things... ehhh that's probably nothing


Im probably gonna be "Sick" tomorrow..