I have no idea how on earth did you find me but YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for putting The Bad Nerd Boy into your reading list♡ I hope you’ll have amazing day cos you just made mine!! It’s my baby and I really appreciate your support cos I know how it feels like to have none ♡ P.s. have fun finding clues and solving the mystery! ♡
Yoooo thanks for the add, brah!! Comment or hmu in a pm if you have any ideas on what you want to see happen in the story, like a new potion or spell, a new monster, cool things you want the characters to say, or new characters in general! I like to work with the readers so it's like we're all in it together :D
Don't forget to vote if you like the chapters! XD
Hey, stranger :) thanks so much for adding my book "Cracked by Him" to your list (love the name, BTW). Hope you like it. Don't forget to let me know what you think ❤