So i'm going to post a message, something I don't usually do. First of all, I have writers block and it totally sucks. Secondly, everyone should go read Changing Rein by @EQWriter, because it's my all time favourite book ever, and it's amazing!
Thirdly (If that's a thing), I have a question, what should I work on next? I was thinking of a sequel for One Stride Away, but I don't know if I like how that book itself turned out. My other book, Data Overload, is all over the place and I have no motivation to keep writing that at the moment. Then I have a ton of ideas that I have have started on, like another horsey book, a book called who cares, and a zombie/comedy type thing... Yeah, i'm one of those people who can't stick to one idea. So if anyone has any suggestions or advice, do tell!