
Anyone else’s cat yell at you when they want attention up when you give the attention they hate you and run away? Cause my cat keeps meowing at me for attention then when I go to give him attention he runs off, is that normal behaviour or no?


Anyone else’s cat yell at you when they want attention up when you give the attention they hate you and run away? Cause my cat keeps meowing at me for attention then when I go to give him attention he runs off, is that normal behaviour or no?


So I realized I have this huge fear of dying in my sleep which sounds stupid but it’s a perfectly rational thought, though it does affect my sleep pattern and when I see others sleep I always am terrified of them being dead so, make  what you will with that, just thought I’d tell you that


@SimplyMaudie123 totally a rational fear :) I used to be scared spiders will wrap me up in webs when I sleep.. (that was before watching the hobbit and LOTR)


Anyone wanna do fun facts with me? Like where one of us says a fun fact then the other person does one? That sounds weird but I think it’ll be fun or maybe that’s just me


@SimplyMaudie123 woww I knew they existed, but 12 inch?!?!
            Fun fact: the mineral carnelian is a type of agate, but colored a vibrant red from iron
            Ps: the immortal jellyfish is a type of jellyfish, not all of them can do that sadly...


@lukasraccoon that’s really cool I didn’t know that jellyfish are immoral.
            Fun fact: Some single-celled organisms are bigger than a wasp. The Caulerpa alga is made of just one cell but can grow up to 12 inches long. Though it does kill marine plants.


@SimplyMaudie123 sure
            Fun fact: the immortal jellyfish can retreat to itself and return to former stages in its growth when it's young, and by that stay alive forever :)))


Okay so I really want to be interactive with people but I panic every time I see someone commented or something but once I read it it goes away then comes the stress of writing back and not sounding like a complete idiot so I typically read it and try to form a response in my head then send it the delete it cause I hated it and do that repeatedly because i overthink just responding. So if you got notifications for a response then went to read it and it wasn’t there that’s why. I’m so sorry.


@lukasraccoon yes yes we can stress about people together, and also no problem


@SimplyMaudie123 also thank you so much for recommending my fic to your friend Maddie! I am so happy the both of you liked it:)


@SimplyMaudie123 it's okay! Apparently I have social anxiety, so I might be a little weird or extra sometimes, maybe we can stress about people together? 


this message may be offensive
Okay to whoever is reading this would you like to read about two kids who grew up in different countries and have different beliefs and then they move to Canada then they start to know each other and then they become friends then they slowly progress as as one person is about to tell the other person that they have a feeling on them the person they were going to tell says that they’re already dating somebody, they they start to drift apart until one day they have a spark and then magic happens then while their dating one dies and then the other person struggles to find themselves and goes crazy then the person who died shows up and simply says “where the fuck have you been? Why’d you walk off in the middle of a conversation?”. Would you be interested in reading that? Also sorry if that didn’t make sense I didn’t know how to explain it other then to break it down.


@SimplyMaudie123 everything you will do is great! You are very awesome:)


@lukasraccoon but I can do a fandom if you want