
Hey guys! For my Language Paper One Question Five I recently wrote a short story I was very proud of, based on the instructions: 'Write a story about someone struggling to forgive something or someone.' I chose to write a few short (but extremely powerful) short story about a Women who is separated from her young son and being sectioned. I can quite honestly say, that I put my heart and soul into this writing piece and I am very proud of what I have written. Therefore, I will be publishing my story onto my Wattpad in due course. Feel free to give me any feedback thay you may have and I hope you enjoy (although as it is an examined piece obviously I cannot make any changes) Megan xo


Hey guys! For my Language Paper One Question Five I recently wrote a short story I was very proud of, based on the instructions: 'Write a story about someone struggling to forgive something or someone.' I chose to write a few short (but extremely powerful) short story about a Women who is separated from her young son and being sectioned. I can quite honestly say, that I put my heart and soul into this writing piece and I am very proud of what I have written. Therefore, I will be publishing my story onto my Wattpad in due course. Feel free to give me any feedback thay you may have and I hope you enjoy (although as it is an examined piece obviously I cannot make any changes) Megan xo


Hey guys! I'm revising while writing chapter 2 of when Hell broke loose ;) I'm sorry that the last chapter was so boring, I promise that was just an intro and the book will be good! 
          I'm not giving away anything, but let's just say the 'chemical' becomes useful in the end!
          Luv ya all xo