This is a very important message! Let's cut to chase, I'm signing off. I'm not writting any more fan fictions, and here's a simple list on why. 1. Zero Motivation 2. My studies 3. Stress 4. Problematic creators(and I do not wanna get into all of that WHOO-) 5. I just lost interest, ofc my books will still be up, just I'll be off of Wattpad for good :) I'm sorry to disappoint but it's better to get this out of the way then say "Oh yeah I'll complete it!" When really, I won't. I don't like the fandom, I don't watch/like the creators.. So, yeah. I'm sorry, you're open to make you're own endings to the books if you'd like, I don't mind. That's really it, so.. Uh, yeah! Goodbye guy gals, and non-binary pals, I'll cya all, maybe sometime again? Also, yes, my discord server will be deleted, as it has no use now, so get you're friend requests in buckadaroos? <3 Love you all, and cya.

@SimplySimpinq 100% you won’t read this, but if you do, remember that when you feel sad, you’d toll have a huge army backing you up! I hope you’re happy wherever out there, it was a pleasure.

@SimplySimpinq I am late. Goodbye, I wish you the best!!! Take care of yourself dude o//

@SimplySimpinq I know I’m a day late, but I hope you take care of yourself and I hope you go and live your best life! Thank you for your fanfics, and I wish you the best!