@Amy3999 French chocolate tastes yucky apperently:L Its got to much coco in it, so it tastes REAAALLY strong:L Its got like 90% coco or something:O Where as ours have like 75%:L
@Amy3999 Ahaaa:D Meh:P I..JUST MADE SOME MORE JELLY! I made the rest of the orange:D I hate the smell of it:L It smells of cough medicene *Shudder*..:L It migt taste wierd..BUT WHAT DOESN'T :D
@Amy3999 Ahaa:D Is that from the power or the lumps? I don't like the lumpsO.o But I want to get all the flavours and put them into one:D Like green, pink, yellow, orange, Wouldn't that be very amazing!:D
@Amy3999 They are VERY nice together! RECOMMENDATION TIME:D LOL *Sigh* I had to go to the shop. I had to walk to to jelly isle ALL ON MY OWN. I had to PAY for it myself, They had to use my mum's things TO MAKE IT MYSELF:D LOL